Brent Minter is a great friend of mine, go check out his blog, came in this past summer and told me about a Bible that is being worked on that is supposedly going to be the best study Bible out. So he showed me the website that they created for this Bible to start talking about it, and I fell totally in love with it.
I know that sounds so crazy to fall in love with a Bible, but I did. In fact, something to know about me is that I am a pen snob and a Bible snob. I hate to admit this, but I sometimes love the idea of getting a new Bible over reading it...I know not good.
So anyway, I saw that this Bible was going to be released in October and that you could pre-order it and be one of the first ones to get it. So I did just that! I can honestly say I have never thought about pre-ordering a Bible. But here is where it gets even better. So the day before the Bible releases on the shelves of bookstores all across the world Kyle and I decided to stop by Lifeway to get another book. While we were there I asked the Bible Man there if tomorrow was for sure the day that they will be on the shelves and how much they would be. Keep in mind I have already ordered one but me being the impulsive person that I am think that I might just go ahead and get one before mine arrives on Friday. So the nice Bible man gives me all my information I asked for and then says, "Would you like to see one?" I really thought that there was a display he was going to take me to, but no, we start walking to the back of the store and he takes us to the "Holy of Holies", the place only staff can go - "the back". We are actually in the back of LifeWay - tell me, have you been there.
So he is showing us these never been shown before Bibles...I am totally wigging out because I amd in the presence of the coolest Bible ever written. He is telling me about the different types and some of the cool features of the Bible and which one is not going to tear-up the quickest. So after looking and coveting the Bible that I already pre-ordered and is going to be in my hands Friday, I jokingly ask the Bible Man, "so you want to go ahead and give me one now?" There was a long pause and then he asked me, "Do you know which one you want?" What a dumb question to ask someone who has been looking at this Bible since June.
All this to say, after that visit to Lifeway to get a book, I ended up with my dream Bible - the ESV Study Bible. So here is the principle - you have not cause you ask not.
Really, I would recommend this Bible to anyone who wants to get into the Word of God. Go check out the website at
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